Plumbing Industry: An In-depth Look at Its Evolution

Every other day, we flush our toilets, run water in bathtubs and sinks but we don’t take time to think about plumbing systems. Plumbing is one of the essential systems in homes and offices around the world. A question many people would ask is why it was developed. The first thing you need to know about the evolution of plumbing is that plumbing evolved due to need. As the saying goes, “necessity is the mother of invention”. Therefore, the first thing you need to know is that the need for proper sanitation gave rise to the evolution of plumbing in homes and offices to the kind of systems we have today.

Plumbing is a system that existed for many years although modern plumbing was invented in the 19th century. Ancient plumbing is believed to have existed from the ancient Greek, Roman and Chinese empires around 4000 B.C following the discovery of what is believed to be the first copper pipes in India. Although there have been progressive improvements to the systems from the past to what exists today, the basics are still the same. The first complex plumbing system was constructed in Rome in the 1940s and was made of a simple piping system which was designed to move domestic waste from the peoples’ residence.

The first complex plumbing pipes were made of simple materials such as tar paper although the most common pipes were made from concrete. At some point, the plumbing pipes were made of quest materials which were essentially polybutylene. These early plumbing pipes were not very durable as their likelihood of leaking was very high. The King of Crete, Minos is credited with the development of the first toilet with the flushing system in the 18th century. Although many history books have attributed the first toilet with Thomas Crapper whose only contribution was owning the first successful plumbing company in the 18th century. In the early 19th century, the first modern water tap was developed paving the way for modern complex plumbing systems we have today.

Currently, over 650, 000 homes are equipped with a plumbing system consisting of two main components. One component is designed to supply fresh water for domestic use while the other takes away sewer water from the homes. Therefore, next time you flush your toilet or open your tap, take time to think of the evolution of the plumbing system over time.

Five Things you Need to Know about your Plumbing

Your plumbing system is one of the most crucial components in your home. Many homeowners experience major catastrophes in their homes as a result of issues in their plumbing. Understanding some of the key areas in your home can help you deal with some of the problems and ensure everything is in good working condition.

Plumbing is one of those areas that you should never take for granted. In most cases, homeowners tend to ignore or rather forget taking care and to maintain their plumbing simply because it seems to be working. If you want to prevent major catastrophes and avoid something going wrong, consider learning more about your home’s plumbing system. Here’s what you may not know or could be ignoring about your plumbing.

Water Heaters are not Maintenance Free

If you’re one of those homeowners who always put off service and maintenance calls for their home appliances, plumbing, and other equipment, it’s time you put it on. Of course, everyone knows that maintenance of home equipment is much needed. If you thought that your water heater doesn’t need regular maintenance and service, you are wrong. Over time as you use your water heater, the tank starts to fill with sediment while the rods start deteriorating. It’s, therefore, recommended to have your water heater inspected and cleaned by a plumbing professional every year. This will ensure it runs efficiently and serves you for more years.

Cutting off the Water Supply

Many homes have experienced water damage as a result of leaking pipes and other plumbing problems. Unprepared and misinformed homeowners would not know the necessary steps to take when faced with such a situation. The first thing you must learn and know is how you can cut off the water supply. Immediately you notice flooding as a result of plumbing problems, start by locating the main water shut off valve or the functional shut off valve in the affected fixture before taking other precautions. You may need to contact a plumbing technician to help fix the problem.

Everything has a finite Life

Some of us never care about our plumbing and home appliances thinking they will serve us forever. This is wrong. Just like your roofing system, dishwasher, vehicle, and clothes, all your plumbing components have a finite life. There will come a time when they will fail. As much as you need to be committed to ensuring they are well maintained and working properly, be aware of the lifespan of your plumbing fixtures. Replace those that need replacing.

You can Save Money with your Toilet

You could be wondering why you are always consuming or using a lot of water in your home. The reason could be that older, inefficient toilet that you have been using for the past two decades. Such toilets use about 3 to 5 gallons of water per flush. According to EPA, at least twenty five percent of all residential water consumption is used in flushing toilets. You can save a lot of money by replacing your toilet with a high-efficiency one.